Articles 1 min read

How Banks Can Become Future Ready

Disruption may be an overused term, but it certainly is appropriate for financial services. And it’s leaving banks in a quandary.

In many cases, banks’ workforces were designed for a world where people walked into bank branches to make a deposit or withdrawal.

Now, consumers are likely to head to the cloud to make an instant payment on their mobile phones.

To compete, banks need to rethink talent and transform, and do so quickly. Banks need to essentially become tech companies that provide banking services.

In this Talent Insights report, you’ll see:

  • The digital trends that have been reshaping the banking industry
  • The need to transform fast to compete and remain relevant
  • How many banks do not have a future-ready workforce while FinTechs continue to embody a digital-first strategy
  • Three solutions to speed-up digital transformations: upskilling/reskilling the existing workforce, calibrating roles with future skills, and hiring for potential

Click here to download the whitepaper: 

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Eightfold’s deep-learning talent intelligence platform is powered by the largest global talent data set to unleash the full potential of the total workforce – employees, candidates, contractors, and citizens. Grounded in Equal Opportunity Algorithms, the Eightfold® Talent Intelligence Platform uses deep-learning AI to help: attract the best talent for the job, understand how your workforce stacks up against the competition, identify and develop skills to unlock workforce potential, deliver bias-free talent recruitment, and much more.

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